О Тейлор The Hills

Лаурен Цонрад moves from Laguna Beach to LA to intern at Teen Vogue in this reality show. The show is a spin-off of Лагуна Беацх: Тхе Реал Оранге Цоунты.

Достижении The Hills

The show ran for six seasons and aired a total of 102 episodes. Щхитнеы Порт left the show after the fourth season. 

Топ-факты о The Hills, которые вы не знали

Beverly Hills, California A city in Los Angeles County, California.. The Hills (TV series) An American reality television series that aired for six seasons on MTV from May 31, 2006, until.... Hollywood Hills A residential neighborhood in the central region of Los Angeles, California.

Последняя информация о The Hills обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.