The Office is a mockumentary sitcom that was created by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, first made in the United Kingdom, then Germany, and subsequently the United States. It has since been remade in 8 other countries. The original British series of The Office also starred Gervais as the boss and main character of the show. The two seasons were broadcast on BBC Two in 2001 and 2002, totalling 12 episodes, with 2 special episodes in 2003, and an extra short spectacular ten years later. A German version titled Stromberg ran for 46 episodes over five seasons, starting in 2004, and the follow-up film Stromberg - Der Film was released in German cinemas in 2014. The longest-running version of the series is the US adaptation, starring no one cast member but main characters include Jim, Pam, Dwight, and Michael, which ran for nine seasons from 2005 to 2013 for a total of 201 episodes. The total overall viewership is in the hundreds of millions worldwide.
О Тейлор The Office
This three-time Emmy Award-winning series follows the employees of a paper company. The show is based on the British series of the same name.
Достижении The Office
The show was created by Грег Даниелс, Рицкы Герваис, and Степхен Мерцхант, the latter two of whom also created the British series.
Топ-факты о The Office, которые вы не знали
The Office Category.. Lists of British television series characters.. Television franchises.