Wizards of Waverly Place is an American fantasy teen sitcom created by Todd J. Greenwald that aired on Disney Channel for four seasons between October 2007 and January 2012. The series centers on Alex Russo, a teenage wizard living in Greenwich Village, Manhattan, who undertakes training alongside her siblings, Justin and Max, who are also equipped with magical abilities. The siblings are trained knowing that one day they will compete to win sole custody of their family's powers. Episodes deal with Alex's challenges in keeping her secret powers hidden, while she deals with the social and personal issues of her youth. She frequently uses magic in her everyday life, sometimes irresponsibly, and hones her supernatural abilities while doing so. While the series contains fantasy elements, the main themes depicted include the focus on family, friendship, and adolescence.
Genre | Teen sitcom, Fantasy |
Created by | Todd J. Greenwald |
Starring | Selena Gomez, David Henrie, Jake T. Austin, Jennifer Stone, Maria Canals-Barrera, David DeLuise |
Opening theme | "Everything Is Not What It Seems" by Selena Gomez |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 4 |
No. of episodes | 106 |
Executive producer(s) | Todd J. Greenwald, Peter Murrieta, Vince Cheung, Ben Montanio |
Producer(s) | Greg A. Hampson |
Cinematography | Rick F. Gunter |
Camera setup | Multi-camera |
Running time | 22 minutes |
Production company(s) | It's a Laugh Productions |
Distributor | Disney-ABC Domestic Television |
Original network | Disney Channel |
Picture format | NTSC (480i), HDTV (720p) |
О Тейлор Wizards of Warna Walk
Malaysian version of the American series Щизардс оф Щаверлы Плаце about three wizard siblings who compete to win sole custody of the family powers.
Достижении Wizards of Warna Walk
The fantasy sitcom was the first-ever locally scripted series for Disney Channel Asia. It would also be available to watch on Astro GO and On Demand.
Топ-факты о Wizards of Warna Walk, которые вы не знали
Wizards of Waverly Place Category.. Television series by It's a Laugh Productions.. Wizards in television.. Emmy Award-winning programs.. American fantasy television series.. Television series about families.
Последняя информация о Wizards of Warna Walk обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.