О Тейлор Kelly & Carly

Gamer girls from Ireland well known for Minecraft content on their own channels who came together to publish vlogs and other entertaining videos for their collaborative channel. They gained fame as members of Тхе Литтле Цлуб.

Достижении Kelly & Carly

"The Boyfriend Reveal!" and "Little Kelly Sibling Reveal! were the first videos of the channel to surpass 1 million views. They earned 300,000 subscribers.

Топ-факты о Kelly & Carly, которые вы не знали

The Kelly Family An German-European music group consisting of a multi-generational family, usually consisting of.... Kelly Field A Joint-Use facility located in San Antonio, Texas.

Последняя информация о Kelly & Carly обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.