О Тейлор Not Enough Nelsons

Channel belonging to a family of 18 which is made up of seven biological kids, nine adopted kids and two parents. Videos on the channel include skits, challenges, vlogs and more. The siblings include Kass, БридгерКеннаДееЛедгерБецкхамПресЛее Граце, DeLayNee June, ПаисЛееЛукеНаыВееСаиДееЛиЛееКассаДееЙоурНееЙаине, Trey, and ЕллеЦее.

Достижении Not Enough Nelsons

The family started to see their subscriber base go up after posting the video "24 HOURS OVERNIGHT HOUSE SWAP! | WITH Тхе Охана Адвентуре!

Последняя информация о Not Enough Nelsons обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.