The Mis-Adventures of Awkward Black Girl is an American comedy web series created by and starring Issa Rae. It premiered on a dedicated YouTube channel on February 3, 2011. The show follows the life of J as she interacts with co-workers and love interests who place her in uncomfortable situations. The story is told through first-person narrative as J usually reveals how she feels about her circumstances through voice-over or dream sequence. Critics have praised Awkward Black Girl for its witty humor and unique, realistic portrayal of African-American women. The New York Times critic Jon Caramica describes the show as "full of sharp, pointillist humor that's extremely refreshing." The series won a Shorty Award for Best Web Series in 2012.
Genre | Comedy |
Created by | Issa Rae |
Creative director(s) | Mimi Valdés |
Starring | Issa Rae, Sujata Day, Tracy Oliver, Hanna, Madison T. Shockley III, Andrew Allan James, Harris, Fahad, Tristen Winger, Leah A. Williams, Lyman Johnson |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 2 |
No. of episodes | 25 |
Executive producer(s) | Pharrell Williams, Robin Frank |
Producer(s) | Issa Rae & Tracy Oliver |
Original network | YouTube |
О Тейлор Awkward Black Girl
Created by and starring Исса Рае, this Shorty Award-winning series follows the life of J (Rae) as she interacts with co-workers and love interests. The series spawned the HBO show Инсецуре.
Достижении Awkward Black Girl
Пхаррелл Щиллиамс served as an executive producer of the series. The show was first developed in 2009 as The Mis-Adventures of Awkward Black Girl
Топ-факты о Awkward Black Girl, которые вы не знали
Insecure (TV series) - Insecure is an American comedy-drama television series created by Issa Rae and Larry Wilmore, and is partially based on Rae's acclaimed web series Awkward Black Girl. The series premiered online on September 23, 2016, via HBO Now and HBO Go, before airing weekly on HBO from October 9, 2016.
Последняя информация о Awkward Black Girl обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.