Hazbin Hotel is an American adult animated musical comedy web series created, directed, written and produced by Vivienne "VivziePop" Medrano. It is made entirely by freelance animators and is largely financed by Medrano's Patreon followers. The official pilot was released on YouTube on October 28, 2019. On November 6, 2019, Medrano stated on Patreon that there was no release date for a second episode yet. By August 2020, the show had developed a dedicated fanbase, with the 31-minute pilot receiving over 61 million views as of May 2021, a rise from 32 million views in May 2020. On August 7, 2020, it was announced that A24 had picked up Hazbin Hotel for a full television series. A spin-off series, Helluva Boss, unveiled its first season on October 31, 2020, almost one year after the release of its own pilot. Helluva Boss takes place in the same universe as Hazbin Hotel, but it has a different cast of characters and story.
Genre | Musical, Black comedy |
Created by | Vivienne Medrano |
Written by | Vivienne Medrano, Dave Capdevielle, Raymond Hernandez |
Screenplay by | Vivienne Medrano |
Story by | Vivienne Medrano |
Directed by | Vivienne Medrano |
Creative director(s) | Vivienne Medrano |
Voices of | Jill Harris, Elsie Lovelock, Monica Franco, Michael Kovach, Edward Bosco, Gabriel C. Brown, Mick Lauer, Michelle Marie, Will Stamper, Krystal LaPorte, Kelly "Chi-Chi" Boyer, Faye Mata, Joshua Tomar |
Composer(s) | Evan Alderete, Gooseworx, Thomas Ryan |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 1 |
No. of episodes | 1 |
Executive producer(s) | Vivienne Medrano |
Editor(s) | Vivienne Medrano |
Running time | 30 minutes |
Production company(s) | SpindleHorse Toons (pilot), A24 (series) |
Original network | YouTube (pilot) |
First shown in | October 28, 2019 |
Related shows | Helluva Boss |
О Тейлор Hazbin Hotel
Lucifer's daughter opens a rehab hotel to offer a group of misfit demons a chance at redemption as well as find a non-violent way to solve Hell's overpopulation. The show was created by Vivienne Medrano.
Достижении Hazbin Hotel
The musical comedy was published on the Vivziepop YouTube channel. The pilot was watched nearly 14 million times in the first 3 weeks.
Топ-факты о Hazbin Hotel, которые вы не знали
Genocide in fiction.. Hell in popular culture.. Demons in television.. American television pilots.
Последняя информация о Hazbin Hotel обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.