Tainted Dreams is a soap opera that premiered on YouTube on December 30, 2013 and later moved exclusively to Amazon and Amazon Prime. The series debuted on Popstar! TV and the Popstar! App on September 23, 2019. Created by Sonia Blangiardo, it is a "soap-within-a-soap" which follows the backstage drama of the fictional soap opera Painted Dreams. Tainted Dreams was nominated for a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding New Approaches Drama Series in 2014, and one for Outstanding Digital Daytime Drama Series in 2017. Kelley Menighan Hensley, Michael Lowry, Natalia Livingston, and Anthony Wilkinson were also nominated for Daytime Emmys in 2017 for their performances.
Created by | Sonia Blangiardo |
Written by | Lindsay Harrison |
Starring | Alicia Minshew, Grant Aleksander, Kelley Menighan Hensley |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 2 |
Executive producer(s) | Sonia Blangiardo |
Producer(s) | Mark Costello (consulting), Rob Santeramo (consulting), Candy Straight (consulting), Robert Levinstein (coordinating), Teresa Cicala |
Production company(s) | NYC Brand Productions |
Original network | YouTube |
О Тейлор Tainted Dreams
Soap opera web series following the backstage drama of the fictional soap opera Painted Dreams. It was created by Sonia Blangiardo after the cancellation of the soap opera Оне Лифе то Ливе.
Достижении Tainted Dreams
The series was nominated for a 2014 Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding New Approaches Drama Series and for Outstanding Digital Daytime Drama Series in 2017. Келлеы Менигхан Хенслеы, Мицхаел Лощры, Наталиа Ливингстон and Anthony Wilkinson were all nominated for Daytime Emmys in 2017 for their performances.
Топ-факты о Tainted Dreams, которые вы не знали
Internet soap operas.. Television series about show business.. Metafictional television series.. Television series about television.
Последняя информация о Tainted Dreams обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.