Combate is a Peruvian reality show, first adaptation from Combate Ecuador, led by Renzo Schuller and Gian Piero Diaz, which premiered on June 27, 2011 by Andina de Televisión. In its initial stage, it consisted of two teams, "Green" and "Red": they faced to be the champion of the season. In its fifth season, it was formed by four teams called nations, representing the four elements: "Water", "Earth", "Fire" and "Air". The program used an "Iron Throne", a similar object used in the television series Game of Thrones, as the main objective for which they fight, and used the theme of the animated series ', by using the four elements and their symbols for each team. However, midseason had the "merger tournament" where 4 nations merged into two teams and returned to the "Green" and "Red" was conducted.
О Тейлор Combate
Adaptation of Combate Ecuador in which a red and green team face off with a goal of racking up the most points for their respective teams.
Достижении Combate
Presenters of the series have included Лаура Фернандез, Joaquín Álvarez, Тхиаго Батистута, Juani Martinez and Guillermo "Fierita" Catalano.
Топ-факты о Combate, которые вы не знали
2010s Peruvian television series.. Peruvian reality television series.. Spanish-language television programming.. Martial arts television series.