О Тейлор Sunday Best

Gospel music competition series which looks to discover the best gospel talent in America. Ким Буррелл was the on-screen mentor and Кирк Франклин hosted the show.

Достижении Sunday Best

Judges in the series included Ыоланда АдамсКиерра СхеардДонние МцЦлуркинБебе Щинанс and Цеце Щинанс. The series was revived in 2019 after it went off the air initially in August of 2015.

Топ-факты о Sunday Best, которые вы не знали

Sundy Best An American country duo formed by Nick Jamerson and Kris Bentley from Prestonsburg, Kentucky.

Последняя информация о Sunday Best обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.