The Royal World is a reality television series which debuted on MTV International in November 2018. The show was announced in July 2018 as a six-episode, hour-long program produced by Initial, part of the Endemol Shine Group. The executive producers are Orr Barker and Iestyn Barker of MTV, and Andrew Jackman of Initial. The show was filmed in the United Kingdom and features its cast members living together "for one summer in the English countryside".
Presented by | Archie Manners |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 1 |
No. of episodes | 6 |
Executive producer(s) | Orr Barker Iestyn Barker Andrew Jackman |
Location(s) | United Kingdom |
Running time | 60 minutes |
About The Royal World
MTV International series featuring a cast of ten men and women who claim to be members, or somehow acquainted with members, of royal or noble families. They live together for one summer in the English countryside.
Achievement of The Royal World
Professional magician Archie Manners presents the series. Executive producers include Orr Barker, Lestyn Barker and Andrew Jackman.
Latest information about The Royal World updated on July 28 2021.