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Calle 13

Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico, United States

關於Calle 13

Three-time Grammy Award and Twenty-One-time Latin Grammy Award winning group founded by stepbrothers and their half-sister. Their musical range has included reggaeton, rock, rap rock and alternative hip hop. The band went on hiatus in 2014.

Calle 13的成就

They earned a first record deal after sending the label White Lion Records a demo tape. Their third album Los de Atrás Vienen Conmigo won Album of the Year at the 2009 Latin Grammy Awards.

您不知道JCalle 13的熱門事實

Calle 13 (band) A Puerto Rican band formed by stepbrothers René Pérez Joglar who calls himself Residente and.... Calle 13 (TV channel) A Spanish cable/satellite television channel.

關於Calle 13的最新信息於2021年7月28日更新.