A California Christmas: City Lights is a 2021 American Christmas romantic comedy film created for Netflix, directed by Shaun Paul Piccinino, written by Lauren Swickard and starring Lauren Swickard, Josh Swickard and Amanda Detmer. It's a sequel to the 2020 film A California Christmas. Its story follows Callie and Joseph who one year after falling in love are now running a dairy farm and winery, however business and family obligations threaten their relationship as Joseph is called back to the city. In addition to Petaluma, California, the city where the original was filmed, the sequel also features scenes shot in San Francisco. The film was released on December 16, 2021.
導演 | Shaun Piccinino |
Produced by | Daniel Aspromonte, Ali Afshar, Lauren Swickard |
Writer(s) | Lauren Swickard |
Starring | Lauren Swickard, Josh Swickard, Amanda Detmer |
Music | Jamie Christopherson |
Cinematography | Brad Rushing |
Edited by | Brett Hedlund |
Production, company | ESX Entertainment |
Released | December 16, 2021 |
Running time | 90 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
關於A California Christmas: City Lights
A couple are in the throws of blissful romance until Joseph is called back to the city for both business and family obligations. Their romance soon faces the threat of derailment. The Christmas themed romantic comedy was directed by Shaun Paul Piccinino.
A California Christmas: City Lights的成就
The movie is a direct sequel to the 2020 film A California Christmas. During its first week on Netflix the film garnered more than 20 million viewing hours.