A Madea Family Funeral is a 2019 American comedy film written, directed, and produced by Tyler Perry. It is the eleventh installment of the Madea film series, and stars Perry in several roles, including as the titular character, as well as Cassi Davis and Patrice Lovely. The plot follows Madea and her friends as they must set up an unexpected funeral during a family get-together in Georgia. The film was released in the United States on March 1, 2019. The film received generally negative reviews from critics but grossed over $75 million worldwide. This is the last film from Tyler Perry to be released by Lionsgate, with Paramount Pictures and Netflix taking over distribution of future Tyler Perry films via his deal with ViacomCBS. A sequel, A Madea Homecoming is set to release in 2022.
導演 | Tyler Perry |
Produced by | Ozzie Areu, Will Areu, Mark E. Swinton |
Writer(s) | Tyler Perry |
Starring | Cassi Davis, Patrice Lovely, Tyler Perry |
Music | Philip White |
Cinematography | Richard Vialet |
Edited by | Larry Sexton |
Production, company | Tyler Perry Studios |
Distributed by | Lionsgate |
Released | March 1, 2019 (United States) |
Running time | 109 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Budget | $20 million |
Box office | $74.8 million |
關於A Madea Family Funeral
A family reunion turns into a nightmare when Madea and her crew find themselves unexpectedly planning a funeral.
A Madea Family Funeral的成就
The Tyler Perry written, produced and directed film is the eleventh and final installment of the Madea film series.
您不知道JA Madea Family Funeral的熱門事實
Films directed by Tyler Perry.. Films shot in Atlanta.