Almighty Thor is a fantasy-adventure action film directed by Christopher Olen Ray. The film, a mockbuster coinciding with the release of the Marvel Studios film Thor, was produced by The Asylum for $200,000. It premiered on the Syfy cable network on May 7, 2011 and was released on DVD on May 10, 2011 in the United States. The film was met with a largely negative response from critics. Loosely inspired by Norse mythology, the film follows the young warrior Thor in his battle against Loki.
導演 | Christopher Olen Ray |
Produced by | David Michael Latt, David Rimawi, Paul Bales |
Writer(s) | Eric Forsberg |
Starring | Cody Deal, Patricia Velásquez, Kevin Nash, Richard Grieco, Nicole Fox |
Music | Hans Zimmer |
Cinematography | Alexander Yellen |
Edited by | Benjamin Lee Cooper, Ron Santiano |
Distributed by | The Asylum |
Released | May 7, 2011 |
Running time | 90 minutes |
Country | United Kingdom |
Language | English |
Budget | $200,000 |
關於Almighty Thor
Parody of Marvel's Thor film franchise which follows a young warrior Thor in his battle against Loki. It was inspired by Norse mythology. The movie premiered on Syfy.
Almighty Thor的成就
The movie was directed by Christopher Ray from a screenplay by Eric Forsberg.
您不知道JAlmighty Thor的熱門事實
Direct-to-video fantasy films.. Films directed by Christopher Ray.. Mockbuster films.. The Asylum films.. American superhero films.. Syfy original films.. American fantasy adventure films.