Blame image


Running Time
100 Minutes
5 January, 2018

Blame is the act of censuring, holding responsible, making negative statements about an individual or group that their action or actions are socially or morally irresponsible, the opposite of praise. When someone is morally responsible for doing something wrong, their action is blameworthy. By contrast, when someone is morally responsible for doing something right, we may say that his or her action is praiseworthy. There are other senses of praise and blame that are not ethically relevant. One may praise someone's good dress sense, and blame their own sense of style for their own dress sense.


Loosely based on Arthur Miller's The Crucible, the movie chronicles the relationship of a teacher and student and the vengeful chain of events that ensue when another student becomes jealous.


The movie is written and directed by star Quinn ShephardNadia Alexander won Best Actress in a US Narrative Feature at the Tribeca Film Festival. 


Accountability.. Behavior.. Social psychology.. Bullying.. Moral psychology.. Ethics.
