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Bridge of Spies

16 October, 2015

關於Bridge of Spies

An American lawyer is hired to defend an arrested Soviet spy in court during the Cold War before facilitating an exchange of the spy for a captured American pilot.

Bridge of Spies的成就

Steven Spielberg directed the film which earned 6 Academy Award nominations. Mark Rylance won for Supporting Actor for his performance.

您不知道JBridge of Spies的熱門事實

Glienicke Bridge A bridge across the Havel River in Germany, connecting the Wannsee district of Berlin with the.... Bridge of Spies (album) The debut album by British pop group T'Pau, released in September 1987.. Bridge of Spies (film) A 2015 historical drama legal thriller film directed and co-produced by Steven Spielberg, written.... Bridge of Spies (book) A 2010 nonfiction book by Giles Whittell.

關於Bridge of Spies的最新信息於2021年7月28日更新.