Brigsby Bear is a 2017 American comedy film directed by Dave McCary in his directorial debut, starring Kyle Mooney, Claire Danes, Mark Hamill, Greg Kinnear, Andy Samberg, Matt Walsh, and Michaela Watkins. The film depicts a captive man named James who is rescued from an underground bunker where he obsessed over a children's television program titled Brigsby Bear. When he realizes the show was created by his captor, his fascination leads him to finish the storyline himself. The film was inspired by McCary, Mooney, and Kevin Costello's middle school experiences making short films together, with a story stemming from Mooney's fascination with 1980s children's shows. Principal photography took place in Utah during Mooney and McCary's break from working on Saturday Night Live in 2016. The film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival on January 23, 2017, and was theatrically released by Sony Pictures Classics on July 28.
導演 | Dave McCary |
Produced by | Mark Roberts, Al Di, Phil Lord, Christopher Miller, Will Allegra, Andy Samberg, Jorma Taccone, Akiva Schaffer, Billy Rosenberg |
Screenplay by | Kevin Costello, Kyle Mooney |
Story by | Kyle Mooney |
Starring | Kyle Mooney, Claire Danes, Mark Hamill, Greg Kinnear, Andy Samberg, Matt Walsh, Michaela Watkins |
Music | David Wingo |
Cinematography | Christian Sprenger |
Edited by | Jacob Craycroft |
Production, company | 3311 Productions, YL Pictures, Lord Miller Productions, Lonely Island Classics |
Distributed by | Sony Pictures Classics |
Released | January 23, 2017 (Sundance), July 28, 2017 (United States) |
Running time | 97 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Box office | $681,632 |
關於Brigsby Bear
After being rescued from an underground bunker, a man becomes obsessed with the only television program he was able to watch. He realizes the show, Brigsby Bear Adventures, was created by his captor and decides to finish the story himself.
Brigsby Bear的成就
The film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in 2017.
您不知道JBrigsby Bear的熱門事實
Films shot in Salt Lake City.. Films about film directors and producers.. Sony Pictures Classics films.. Films about filmmaking.. Films shot in Utah.