Cars 3 is a 2017 American computer-animated comedy-adventure film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. Directed by Brian Fee in his directorial debut and written by Kiel Murray, Bob Peterson, and Mike Rich, it is the third installment of the Cars film series and the stand-alone sequel to Cars 2. It was executive-produced by John Lasseter, who directed the first two Cars films. The returning voices of Owen Wilson, Bonnie Hunt and Larry the Cable Guy are joined by Cristela Alonzo, Chris Cooper, Armie Hammer, Nathan Fillion, Kerry Washington, and Lea DeLaria, in addition to a dozen NASCAR personalities. In the film, Lightning McQueen sets out to prove to a new generation of high tech race cars that he is still the best racing car in the world. Released worldwide in movie theaters on June 16, 2017, along with its theatrical animated short film Lou, the film grossed $383 million worldwide and received mainly positive reviews from critics.
導演 | Brian Fee |
Produced by | Kevin Reher |
Screenplay by | Kiel Murray, Bob Peterson, Mike Rich |
Story by | Brian Fee, Ben Queen, Eyal Podell, Jonathan E. Stewart |
Starring | Owen Wilson, Cristela Alonzo, Chris Cooper, Armie Hammer, Larry the Cable Guy, Bonnie Hunt, Nathan Fillion, Lea DeLaria, Kerry Washington |
Music | Randy Newman |
Cinematography | Jeremy Lasky (camera), Kim White (lighting) |
Edited by | Jason Hudak |
Production, company | Walt Disney Pictures, Pixar Animation Studios |
Distributed by | Walt Disney Studios, Motion Pictures |
Released | May 23, 2017 (Kannapolis), June 16, 2017 (United States) |
Running time | 102 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Budget | $175 million |
Box office | $383.9 million |
Netflix ID | 80163157 |
關於Cars 3
The third installment in Pixar's Cars franchise sees Lightning McQueen trying to prove he's still the best racer in the world.
Cars 3的成就
The movie is the first G-rated Disney animated film since the release of Monsters University in 2013. The film is Brian Fee's directorial debut.
您不知道JCars 3的熱門事實
Animated sports films.. Cars (franchise).. Pixar animated films.. Midlife crisis films.. Animated buddy films.. Films set in Georgia (U.S. state).. American computer-animated films.. Films set in Florida.. American 3D films.. 2010s American animated films.. Animated comedy films.. IMAX films.. American fantasy-comedy films.. Walt Disney Pictures films.. American buddy films.