"Frosty the Snowman" is a popular Christmas song written by Walter "Jack" Rollins and Steve Nelson, and first recorded by Gene Autry and the Cass County Boys in 1950 and later recorded by Jimmy Durante. It was written after the success of Autry's recording of "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" the previous year; Rollins and Nelson shopped the new song to Autry, who recorded "Frosty" in search of another seasonal hit. Like "Rudolph", "Frosty" was subsequently adapted to other media including a popular television special.
Genre | Christmas song |
Label | Columbia Records |
Writer(s) | Walter Rollins & Steve Nelson |
關於Frosty the Snowman
25 minute made-for-tv short about a magical hat that brings a snowman to life. The newly sentient snowman brings joy to all the local children until the evil professor Hinkle demands his hat back.
Frosty the Snowman的成就
TV Guide once ranked the special on its 10 Best Family Holiday Specials list. The short went on to spawn four sequels.
您不知道JFrosty the Snowman的熱門事實
The Ronettes songs.. Fictional snowmen.. Kimberley Locke songs.. Gene Autry songs.. Christmas novelty songs.. Recorded music characters.. Jan and Dean songs.. Song recordings with Wall of Sound arrangements.. Nat King Cole songs.. Christmas characters.. Song recordings produced by Phil Spector.. Bing Crosby songs.. American Christmas songs.. The Beach Boys songs.