Grave Encounters 2 is a 2012 supernatural horror film directed by John Poliquin and written by The Vicious Brothers. The sequel to 2011's Grave Encounters, the film follows a group of devoted fans of Grave Encounters who break into the same psychiatric hospital where the film took place to investigate whether the events in the film were real. The group then find themselves in the same plight as the Grave Encounters crew were in, becoming haunted and terrorized by the hospital's malevolent entities. The film was released on iTunes on October 2, 2012 and received a limited theatrical release on October 12, 2012. Grave Encounters 2 became a commercial success, but unlike its predecessor, it was a critical failure.
導演 | John Poliquin |
Produced by | Shawn Angelski, Martin Fisher |
Writer(s) | The Vicious Brothers |
Starring | Richard Harmon, Leanne Lapp, Sean Rogerson, Dylan Playfair, Stephanie Bennett, Howie Lai |
Music | Quynne Alana Paxa |
Cinematography | Tony Mirza |
Edited by | John Poliquin, The Vicious Brothers |
Production, company | Twin Engine Films, Pink Buffalo Films |
Distributed by | Tribeca Film Festival, Arclight Films |
Released | October 02, 2012 (VOD or iTunes), October 12, 2012 (U.S. theatrical release) |
Running time | 100 minutes |
Country | Canada, United States |
Language | English |
Budget | $1.4 million |
Box office | $8.2 million |
關於Grave Encounters 2
Sequel to 2011's Grave Encounters. The film follows a group of friends who break into the same psychiatric hospital where the first film took place. They investigate whether the events in the film were real.
Grave Encounters 2的成就
Directed by John Poliquin, the film was written by The Vicious Brothers. It was a commercial success, but a critical failure.
您不知道JGrave Encounters 2的熱門事實
Teleportation in films.. Canadian sequel films.. Films set in abandoned houses.. Films set in Vancouver.. 2010s psychological horror films.. Films set in psychiatric hospitals.. Found footage films.. Films about filmmaking.. Films shot in Vancouver.