Half Brothers is a 2020 American comedy film directed by Luke Greenfield from a screenplay by Eduardo Cisneros and Jason Shuman. It stars Luis Gerardo Méndez, Connor Del Rio, José Zúñiga, Vincent Spano, Pia Watson and Juan Pablo Espinosa. The film was released on December 4, 2020, by Focus Features.
導演 | Luke Greenfield |
Produced by | Jason Shuman, Eduardo Cisneros, Luke Greenfield, Jason Benoit |
Screenplay by | Eduardo Cisneros, Jason Shuman |
Story by | Ali LeRoi, Eduardo Cisneros |
Starring | Luis Gerardo Méndez, Connor Del Rio |
Music | Jordan Seigel |
Cinematography | Thomas Scott Stanton |
Edited by | Joe Mitacek |
Distributed by | Focus Features |
Released | December 4, 2020 (United States) |
Running time | 96 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Box office | $2.2 million |
關於Half Brothers
A successful aviation executive discovers that he has a long lost half brother in America. The two's worlds collide as they come together to embark upon a road trip orchestrated by their dying father. The film was directed by Luke Greenfield.
Half Brothers的成就
The movie was filmed in New Mexico during July of 2019. The screenplay was written by Eduardo Cisneros and Jason Shuman.
您不知道JHalf Brothers的熱門事實
Rain Man - Rain Man is a 1988 American road drama film directed by Barry Levinson and written by Barry Morrow and Ronald Bass.. Films shot in New Mexico.