Lagaan, released internationally as Lagaan: Once Upon a Time in India, is a 2001 Indian Hindi-language epic musical sports film written and directed by Ashutosh Gowariker, and produced by and starring Aamir Khan, along with debutant Gracy Singh and British actors Rachel Shelley and Paul Blackthorne in supporting roles. Made on a then-unprecedented budget of ₹250 million, the movie was the maiden project from Aamir Khan Productions and was shot in villages near Bhuj. The film is set in 1893, during the late Victorian period of India's colonial British Raj. The story revolves around a small village in Central India, whose inhabitants, burdened by high taxes, and several years of drought, find themselves in an extraordinary situation as an arrogant British army officer challenges them to a game of cricket, as a wager to avoid paying the taxes they owe.
導演 | Ashutosh Gowariker |
Produced by | Aamir Khan |
Screenplay by | Ashutosh Gowariker, Sanjay Dayma |
Starring | Aamir Khan, Gracy Singh, Rachel Shelley, Paul Blackthorne |
Narrator | Amitabh Bachchan |
Music | A. R. Rahman |
Cinematography | Anil Mehta |
Edited by | Ballu Saluja |
Production, company | Aamir Khan Productions |
Distributed by | Sony Pictures Networks |
Released | June 15, 2001 |
Running time | 224 minutes |
Country | India |
Language | Hindi, English |
Budget | ₹ 25 crore |
Box office | est. ₹ 65.97 crore (see below) |
Netflix ID | 60020906 |
Set in the late 1800s, the film tells the story of a group of locals in an Indian village who bet their future on a game of cricket against their British rulers.
It was nominated for the Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film, just the third Indian film to ever receive the honor.
Films directed by Ashutosh Gowariker.. Films set in Gujarat.. Films about cricket in India.. History of India on film.. Bhojpuri-language films.. Films shot in Gujarat.. English-language Indian films.. Films set in the British Raj.