L'Élève Ducobu is a comic series created by Zidrou and Godi. The series tells the adventures of Ducobu, a comic and eccentric dunce. The series first appeared in September 1992 in the Belgian comics magazine Tremplin. The first album was published in 1997 by Le Lombard and from this year have appeared in the French comics magazine Le Journal de Mickey.
Publisher | Le Lombard (French and Dutch), Cinebook (English), MTI (Indonesian) |
Format | Ongoing series |
Genre | Graphic novel |
Number of issues | 25 (in French and Dutch), 5 (in English), 6 (in Indonesian), 8 (in Turkey) |
Writer(s) | Zidrou |
Artist(s) | Godi |
Creator(s) | Zidrou & Godi |
關於L'Élève Ducobu
Comedy film that follows the exploits and adventures of a young boy who is expelled from school for cheating. The film was directed by Philippe de Chauveron and has spawned several sequels.
L'Élève Ducobu的成就
The movie made a $4 million dollar profit at the box office.
您不知道JL'Élève Ducobu的熱門事實
Franco-Belgian comics - Franco-Belgian comics are comics that are created for French-Belgian and/or French readership.. Belgian comics adapted into films.. Lombard Editions titles.. School-themed comics.. Franco-Belgian comics.. Fictional Belgian people.. Belgian comics characters.. Belgian comic strips.. Child characters in comics.. Gag-a-day comics.