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Nine Lives

31 July, 2016

關於Nine Lives

A businessman becomes trapped inside the body of his daughter's cat. The movie is an international co-production between China and France.

Nine Lives的成就

The movie was originally going to be released at the end of April but was pushed back to August. On the first day of the movie release, the film made over $2 million. 

您不知道JNine Lives的熱門事實

Nine Lives (2016 film) A 2016 comedy film directed by Barry Sonnenfeld, written by Gwyn Lurie, Matt R. Allen, Caleb.... Nine Lives (Aerosmith album) The twelfth studio album by American rock band Aerosmith, released on March 18, 1997.. Nine Lives (2005 film) A 2005 American drama film written and directed by Rodrigo García.

關於Nine Lives的最新信息於2021年7月28日更新.