Over the Hedge is a syndicated comic strip, written by Michael Fry, and drawn by T. Lewis. It tells the story of a raccoon, a turtle, a squirrel, and their friends, who come to terms with their woodlands being taken over, by suburbia, trying to survive the increasing flow of humanity and technology while becoming enticed by it at the same time. The strip debuted June 12, 1995.
Author(s) | Michael Fry, T. Lewis |
Current status / schedule | Running |
Launch date | June 12, 1995 |
Syndicate(s) | United Feature Syndicate |
Genre(s) | Humour, Gag-a-day |
關於Over the Hedge
After a long winter hibernation, a raccoon and a gang of other woodland creatures wake up to find a new suburban sprawl that has popped up over the winter and enjoy the bounty of food that the town offers.
Over the Hedge的成就
The film is based on the characters from the United Media comic strip of the same name. The film is the first DreamWorks Animation movie to be distributed by Paramount Pictures.
您不知道JOver the Hedge的熱門事實
Comics about animals.. American comics adapted into films.. Gag-a-day comics.. American comic strips.