Pom Poko is a 1994 Japanese animated comedy-drama fantasy film directed by Isao Takahata, animated by Studio Ghibli for Tokuma Shoten, Nippon Television Network and Hakuhodo, and distributed by Toho. The story features tanuki, or Japanese raccoon dogs. In Japanese folklore, tanuki are considered to be magical creatures, capable of shape-shifting into people or other objects. They are a highly sociable, mischievous species, too fun-loving and fond of tasty treats to be a real threat – unlike kitsune and other shape-shifters. The phrase "Pom Poko" in the title refers to the sound of tanuki drumming their bellies, from a 1919 poem by Ujō Noguchi which became a popular children's song when it was set to music in 1925. Prominent scrotums are an integral part of tanuki folklore, and they are shown and referred to throughout the film, and also used frequently in their shape-shifting. This remains unchanged in the DVD release, though the English dub refers to them as "raccoon pouches".
導演 | Isao Takahata |
Produced by | Toshio Suzuki |
Writer(s) | Isao Takahata |
Starring | Kokontei Shinchou, 64px |
Music | Shang Shang Typhoon |
Cinematography | Atsushi Okui |
Edited by | Takeshi Seyama |
Production, company | Studio Ghibli |
Distributed by | Toho |
Released | July 16, 1994 |
Running time | 119 minutes |
Country | Japan |
Language | Japanese |
Box office | ¥ 4.47 billion (Japan) |
Netflix ID | 70035036 |
關於Pom Poko
Japanese animated fantasy featuring tanuki, or Japanese raccoon dogs. The magical shape-shifting animals must prevent their forest home from being destroyed by urban development.
Pom Poko的成就
The film was chosen as the Japanese submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film for that year.
您不知道JPom Poko的熱門事實
Ponpoko, a video game featuring tanuki.. Films directed by Isao Takahata.. Studio Ghibli animated films.. Japanese mythology in anime and manga.. Yōkai in popular culture.. Films about animal rights.. Films based on urban legends.. Environmental films.. Films about shapeshifting.. Toho animated films.. Films set in Japan.. Anime with original screenplays.. Drama anime and manga.. 1990s comedy-drama films.