A pair of teenagers unexpectedly fall in love while trying to survive an event involving the spontaneous combustion of their peers. The film was written and directed by Brian Duffield.
The movie is based upon Aaron Starmer's novel of the same name. It was produced by Nicki Cortese's Jurassic Party Productions.
Spontaneous human combustion A term encompassing reported cases of the combustion of a living human body without an apparent.... Spontaneous generation An obsolete body of thought on the ordinary formation of living organisms without descent from.... Spontaneous combustion A type of combustion which occurs by self-heating, followed by thermal runaway and finally.... Spontaneous abortion The natural death of an embryo or fetus before it is able to survive independently.. Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis The development of a bacterial infection in the peritoneum causing peritonitis, despite the.... Spontaneous declaration A statement made by a person in response to a startling or shocking event or condition.. Spontaneous emission The process in which a quantum mechanical system transitions from an excited energy state to a.... Spontaneous fission A form of radioactive decay that is found only in very heavy chemical elements.. Spontaneous Music Ensemble A loose collection of free improvising musicians convened beginning in the mid-1960s by the late.... Spontaneous order The spontaneous emergence of order out of seeming chaos.. Spontaneous process The time-evolution of a system in which it releases free energy and moves to a lower, more.... Spontaneous remission An unexpected improvement or cure from a disease that usually progresses.. Spontaneous symmetry breaking A spontaneous process of symmetry breaking, by which a physical system in a symmetrical state.... Spontaneous (album) A live album by bassist and composer William Parker's Little Huey Creative Music Orchestra, which...