The Grudge 2 is a 2006 supernatural horror film and a sequel to the 2004 film The Grudge. Produced by Sam Raimi, the film was directed by Takashi Shimizu, written by Stephen Susco and stars an ensemble cast that includes Amber Tamblyn, Arielle Kebbel, Jennifer Beals, Edison Chen, Sarah Roemer and Sarah Michelle Gellar. As stated by Shimizu, the film is not a remake of any Japanese film and follows a different storyline. Like its predecessor, the film features a plot that is told through a non-linear sequence of events and includes several intersecting subplots. The three main subplots include: Karen's younger sister Aubrey coming to Japan after finding out about Doug's death, a schoolgirl named Allison being hunted by the ghosts after entering the house with two of her classmates and a young boy named Jake whose apartment building is haunted by the ghosts of the Saeki family. The film was announced after the release of the previous film in October 2004, due to its financial success.
導演 | Takashi Shimizu |
Produced by | Sam Raimi, Robert Tapert, Takashige Ichise |
Writer(s) | Stephen Susco |
Starring | Amber Tamblyn, Arielle Kebbel, Jennifer Beals, Edison Chen, Sarah Roemer, Sarah Michelle Gellar |
Music | Christopher Young |
Cinematography | Katsumi Yanagishima |
Edited by | Jeff Betancourt |
Distributed by | Sony Pictures Releasing |
Released | October 13, 2006 |
Running time | 102 minutes, 108 minutes (unrated cut) |
Country | United States, Japan |
Language | English, Japanese |
Budget | $20 million |
Box office | $70.7 million |
Netflix ID | 70044602 |
關於The Grudge 2
Produced by Sam Raimi, the sequel to 2004's The Grudge features three interwoven stories about a terrible curse.
The Grudge 2的成就
Contrary to popular belief, the film is not a remake of any Japanese film. The movie would be followed by the direct-to-video sequel The Grudge 3.
您不知道JThe Grudge 2的熱門事實
Films directed by Takashi Shimizu.. Japan in fiction.. 2000s psychological horror films.. Foreign films shot in Japan.. Films shot in Tokyo.. American haunted house films.. American psychological horror films.. American ghost films.. Films set in Tokyo.. Films set in Chicago.. Japan in non-Japanese culture.