The Lego Batman Movie is a 2017 computer-animated superhero comedy film produced by the Warner Animation Group and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. It was directed by Chris McKay in his directorial debut, and written by Seth Grahame-Smith, Chris McKenna, Erik Sommers, Jared Stern, and John Whittington, and produced by Dan Lin, Roy Lee, and Phil Lord and Christopher Miller. Based on characters from the DC Universe by DC Comics and the Lego Batman/Lego DC Super Heroes toy lines, the film is an international co-production between the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Denmark, the first spin-off in The Lego Movie film series and the second installment overall. The story follows the title character as he attempts to overcome his greatest fear to stop the Joker's latest plan. The film features Will Arnett reprising his role as Batman from The Lego Movie alongside Zach Galifianakis, Michael Cera, Rosario Dawson, and Ralph Fiennes.
導演 | Chris McKay |
Produced by | Dan Lin, Phil Lord, Christopher Miller, Roy Lee |
Screenplay by | Seth Grahame-Smith, Chris McKenna, Erik Sommers, Jared Stern, John Whittington |
Story by | Seth Grahame-Smith |
Starring | Will Arnett, Zach Galifianakis, Michael Cera, Rosario Dawson, Ralph Fiennes |
Music | Lorne Balfe |
Edited by | David Burrows, Matt Villa, John Venzon |
Distributed by | Warner Bros. Pictures |
Released | January 29, 2017 (Dublin), February 9, 2017 (Denmark), February 10, 2017 (United States and United Kingdom), March 30, 2017 (Australia) |
Running time | 104 minutes |
Country | United States, Denmark, Australia |
Language | English |
Budget | $80 million |
Box office | $312 million |
Netflix ID | 80131731 |
關於The Lego Batman Movie
Lego Batman must fight supervillains as he forms a bond with a teenage orphan he accidentally adopted.
The Lego Batman Movie的成就
Batman's costume was based on Tim Burton's 1989 Batman costume. This is the first animated movie that Mariah Carey and Zoë Kravitz have starred in.
您不知道JThe Lego Batman Movie的熱門事實
Films produced by Roy Lee.. Films about toys.. Metafictional works.. Warner Bros. animated films.. Film spin-offs.. Warner Bros. Animation animated films.. Superhero comedy films.. Self-reflexive films.. American computer-animated films.. American 3D films.. 2010s American animated films.. Films set on islands.. IMAX films.. American action comedy films.. American fantasy adventure films.