Richard John Grayson is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, commonly in association with Batman. Created by writer Bill Finger and artist Bob Kane, he first appeared in Detective Comics #38 in April 1940 as the original and most popular incarnation of Robin, partner to the superhero Batman forming the iconic Dynamic Duo team. In Tales of the Teen Titans #44 the character after becoming a young adult and in an effort to make himself a separate independent hero from Batman retires his role as Robin and assumes the superhero persona of Nightwing. The youngest in a family of acrobats known as the "Flying Graysons", Grayson witnesses a mafia boss named Tony Zucco kill his parents in order to extort money from the circus that employed them. After the tragic murder, Batman takes Grayson in as his legal ward and trains him to become his crime-fighting partner Robin. He is written by many authors as the first son of Batman.
Publisher | DC Comics |
First appearance | As Robin, Detective Comics #38 (April 1940), As Nightwing, Tales of the Teen Titans #44 (July 1984), As Batman, Robin #0 (October 1994), As Target, Nightwing: The Target #1 (September 2001), As Agent 37, Grayson #1 (July 2014) |
Created by | Bill Finger (writer), Bob Kane (artist), Jerry Robinson (illustrator) |
Full name | Richard John "Dick" Grayson |
Team affiliations | Justice League, Teen Titans, Titans, Batman Family, Batman Incorporated, Young Justice, Outsiders, Spyral |
Partnerships | Starfire, Batman, Damian Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Batgirl, Oracle, Duke Thomas |
Notable aliases | Robin, Nightwing, Batman, Target, Agent 37, Renegade, Red Robin, Talon |
Abilities | Expert detective, Skilled acrobat and aerialist, Skilled martial artist and hand-to-hand combatant, Combat Strategist, Utilizing high-tech equipment and weapons |
關於Dick Grayson
Originally appearing in Detective Comics #38 as the original incarnation of Robin, the crime fighting partner of Batman. The character name Robin would later be retired and the name Nightwing was adopted.
Dick Grayson的成就
He comes from a family of Gotham City acrobats called the "Flying Graysons." He would also become the leader of the Teen Titans.
您不知道JDick Grayson的熱門事實
Fictional gymnasts.. Romani comics characters.. Fictional acrobats.. Fictional stick-fighters.. Fictional American secret agents.. Characters created by Bob Kane.. Fictional American police detectives.. Characters created by Bill Finger.. Superheroes who are adopted.. DC Comics television characters.. DC Comics martial artists.. Batman characters.. Teenage characters in television.. Superhero film characters.. Fictional vigilantes.. Fictional orphans.