Cold is the presence of low temperature, especially in the atmosphere. In common usage, cold is often a subjective perception. A lower bound to temperature is absolute zero, defined as 0.00 K on the Kelvin scale, an absolute thermodynamic temperature scale. This corresponds to −273.15 °C on the Celsius scale, −459.67 °F on the Fahrenheit scale, and 0.00 °R on the Rankine scale. Since temperature relates to the thermal energy held by an object or a sample of matter, which is the kinetic energy of the random motion of the particle constituents of matter, an object will have less thermal energy when it is colder and more when it is hotter. If it were possible to cool a system to absolute zero, all motion of the particles in a sample of matter would cease and they would be at complete rest in this classical sense. The object would be described as having zero thermal energy.
Single from Indiana Massara and Alex Sampson that marks the first original song collaboration between the two creators. Prior to its release, the song was promoted on Twitter by Brat with the caption "this duet is gonna blow you away!!"
Sampson announced the song to his Instagram followers about two weeks before its release, posting a picture of the cover art of the song which features him and Massara in warm clothing with a red background.
Cold Category.. Thermodynamics.