Monster High is an American fashion doll franchise created by Mattel and launched in July 2010. The characters are inspired by monster movies, sci-fi horror, thriller fiction, and various other creatures. Monster High was created by Garrett Sander, with illustrations by Kellee Riley and illustrator Glen Hanson. The franchise includes many consumer products such as stationery dolls, bags, key chains, various toys, and play sets. A book series has also been created. In 2010, an animated web series was developed and released on YouTube. It has resulted in the production and release of a number of direct-to-videos, some of which have been broadcast as television specials and films on Nickelodeon. The web series and videos serve as a platform to launch new doll characters. In 2016, the series released a reboot and origin story called Welcome to Monster High, using new face molds, movie animation, a slogan, and the song "This Is How We Boo", performed by Jordin Sparks.
Creator | Garrett Sander |
Original work | Toys |
Owner | Mattel |
Books | see list of books |
Films | 15 (list of films) |
Television series | 2 (list of series) |
Traditional | Monster High |
Soundtracks | 20 |
Toys | Monster High |
Spin-off(s) | Ever After High, Enchantimals |
關於We Are Monster High - Madison Beer
Theme song for the original motion picture Monster High. The music video was choreographed by Chachi Gonzales.
We Are Monster High - Madison Beer的成就
The music video would include an introduction and epilogue from Monster High character Catty Noir.
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Universal Classic Monsters - Universal Classic Monsters is a home video line introduced in the 1990s by Louis Feola to reintroduce the horror films as a connected series. The series includes Dracula, Frankenstein, The Mummy, The Invisible Man, The Phantom of the Opera, The Wolf Man and The Creature From the Black Lagoon.. Fictional high schools.. Young adult fiction.. Fashion dolls.. Doll brands.. Mattel.. 2010s toys.