American Dreams is an American drama television series that ran on NBC for three seasons & 61 episodes, from September 29, 2002 to March 30, 2005. The show tells the story of the Pryor family of Philadelphia during the mid-1960s, with many plotlines centered around teenager Meg Pryor, who dances on Dick Clark's American Bandstand. The show often featured contemporary musicians performing as popular musicians of the 1960s. Season one takes place in 1963–64, season two in 1964–65, and season three in 1965–66. The series was created by Jonathan Prince and developed by Josh Goldstein and Prince; the latter was also one of the executive producers with Dick Clark. It debuted on September 29, 2002 and initially aired on Sundays at 8:00 pm Eastern Time, but moved to the same time on Wednesdays from March 9, 2005, to the third-season finale. The show was known as Our Generation when it debuted in Australia; however, it was changed back to American Dreams when it returned for the second season.
Genre | Drama |
Created by | Jonathan Prince |
Starring | Brittany Snow, Tom Verica, Gail O'Grady, Will Estes, Sarah Ramos, Ethan Dampf, Jonathan Adams, Arlen Escarpeta, Vanessa Lengies, Rachel Boston |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 3 |
No. of episodes | 61 |
Executive producer(s) | Jonathan Prince, Dick Clark |
Producer(s) | Mark Grossan (Season 1) |
Running time | 60 minutes |
Production company(s) | Once a Frog Productions, Dick Clark Productions, Universal Network Television and NBC Studios, (2002–2004), (seasons 1–2), NBC Universal Television Studio, (2004–2005), (season 3) |
Distributor | NBCUniversal Television Distribution |
Original network | NBC |
Picture format | 1080i (HDTV) |
關於American Dreams
Follows the Pryor family from 1963 to 1966, while putting the most focus on the the family's daughter Meg Pryor.
American Dreams的成就
The show was called a Future Classic at the 2003 TV Land Awards. They also won Best Theme Song of Television at the ASCAP Awards that same year.
您不知道JAmerican Dreams的熱門事實
Period family drama television series.. Television series by Dick Clark Productions.. Television shows set in Philadelphia.. Television series set in the 1960s.. Television series about television.. Television series about families.