Atomic Puppet is an animated television series created by Jerry Leibowitz and Mark Drop and produced by Mercury Filmworks, Technicolor Animation Productions and Gaumont Animation for Teletoon and Disney XD. The series revolves around the adventures of 7th grader Joey Felt and his partner AP, a world-renowned superhero who's been reduced to life as a powerless sock puppet, until he's placed on Joey's hand. Together, they transform into Mega City's newest superhero duo, Atomic Puppet and Nuclear Boy.
Genre | Comedy, Action, Superhero, Science fiction |
Created by | Mark Drop, Jerry Leibowitz |
Developed by | Travis Williams, John Derevlany, Brad Birch |
Voices of | Eric Bauza, Peter Oldring, Lisa Norton, Carlos Diaz, Kristina Nicoll, Katie Griffin, David Huband |
Theme music composer | Amaury Bernier, David Gana |
Composer(s) | Amaury Bernier, David Gana |
Country of origin | Canada, France |
No. of seasons | 1 |
No. of episodes | 26 |
Executive producer(s) | Clint Eland, Steven Wendland, Pierre Belaïsch |
Producer(s) | Chantal Ling, Travis Williams, Mark Dhrami, Thierry Rivard, Heath Kenny |
Editor(s) | John McKinnon |
Running time | 22 minutes (of 11-minute segments) |
Production company(s) | Mercury Filmworks, Technicolor Animation Productions, Gaumont Animation |
Original network | Teletoon (Canada), Disney XD/Netflix (U.S.), France 4 (France) |
Picture format | HDTV 1080i |
First shown in | France |
關於Atomic Puppet
Canadian series revolving around 6th grader Joey Felt and his partner AP, a superhero who was reduced to a powerless sock puppet.
Atomic Puppet的成就
Each episode of the show is composed of two 11 minute segments. The series came to an end on February 21, 2017.
您不知道JAtomic Puppet的熱門事實
Gaumont Animation.. 2010s Canadian animated television series.