Attack on Titan is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hajime Isayama. It is set in a world where humanity lives inside cities surrounded by three enormous walls that protect them from the gigantic man-eating humanoids referred to as Titans; the story follows Eren Yeager, who vows to exterminate the Titans after a Titan brings about the destruction of his hometown and the death of his mother. Attack on Titan was serialized in Kodansha's monthly Bessatsu Shōnen Magazine from September 2009 to April 2021, with its chapters collected in 34 tankōbon volumes. An anime television series was produced by Wit Studio and MAPPA. A 25-episode first season was broadcast from April to September 2013, followed by a 12-episode second season broadcast from April to June 2017. A 22-episode third season was broadcast in two parts, with the first 12 episodes airing from July to October 2018 and the last 10 episodes airing from April to July 2019.
關於Attack on Titan
After his home is destroyed and his mother is killed, a young boy sets out to rid the earth of the giant humanoid Titans that caused his pain. The show is based on manga of the same name by Hajime Isayama.
Attack on Titan的成就
The opening theme song for the show changed between the first and second seasons, from "Guren no Yumiya" to "Shinzou wo Sasageyo!".
您不知道JAttack on Titan的熱門事實
Attack on Titan Category.. Genocide in fiction.. Dystopian anime and manga.. Harvey Award winners.. Winner of Kodansha Manga Award (Shōnen).. Post-apocalyptic anime and manga.. Manga adapted into television series.. Dark fantasy anime and manga.. Manga adapted into films.. Kodansha manga.