Better Call Saul is an American crime drama television series created by Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould. It is a spin-off, prequel, and a sequel of Gilligan's previous series, Breaking Bad. Set in the early to mid-2000s in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the series develops Jimmy McGill, an earnest lawyer and former con-man, into a greedy criminal defense attorney known as Saul Goodman. Also shown is the moral decline of retired police officer Mike Ehrmantraut, who becomes closely affiliated with the Juarez drug cartel to support his granddaughter and her widowed mother. Jimmy and Mike's interactions remain sporadic until their respective storylines fully converge. The show premiered on AMC on February 8, 2015, airing five seasons to date. A sixth and final season, consisting of 13 episodes, is set to premiere in early 2022. At the start of the series, Jimmy works as a public defender. Struggling financially, he lives in the back room of a nail salon which doubles as an office.
Genre | Crime drama, Legal drama, Black comedy, Tragedy |
Created by | Vince Gilligan, Peter Gould |
Starring | Bob Odenkirk, Jonathan Banks, Rhea Seehorn, Patrick Fabian, Michael Mando, Michael McKean, Giancarlo Esposito, Tony Dalton |
Theme music composer | Little Barrie |
Composer(s) | Dave Porter |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 5 |
No. of episodes | 50 |
Executive producer(s) | Vince Gilligan, Peter Gould, Mark Johnson, Melissa Bernstein, Thomas Schnauz, Gennifer Hutchison |
Producer(s) | Bob Odenkirk, Nina Jack, Diane Mercer, Robin Sweet, Gordon Smith, Jonathan Glatzer |
Location(s) | Albuquerque, New Mexico |
Cinematography | Arthur Albert, Marshall Adams |
Editor(s) | Kelley Dixon, Skip Macdonald, Chris McCaleb, Curtis Thurber |
Running time | 41–60 minutes |
Production company(s) | High Bridge Productions, Crystal Diner Productions, Gran Via Productions, Sony Pictures Television |
Distributor | Sony Pictures Television |
Original network | AMC |
Picture format | 1080i (16:9 HDTV), 4K (Ultra HD) |
Audio format | 5.1 |
Preceded by | Breaking Bad |
Related shows | Talking Saul |
Netflix ID | 80021955 |
關於Better Call Saul
This Breaking Bad spin-off follows the rise of corrupt criminal lawyer Jimmy McGill. It was created by Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould.
Better Call Saul的成就
Jonathan Banks reprised his role from Breaking Bad. It was nominated for Outstanding Drama Series at the Primetime Emmy Awards multiple times.
您不知道JBetter Call Saul的熱門事實
Better Call Saul Category.. Breaking Bad.. Television shows set in Nebraska.. Television shows filmed in New Mexico.. Television shows set in New Mexico.. Television series set in the 2000s.. Works about Mexican drug cartels.. Television series about brothers.. Television series created by Vince Gilligan.. Television series set in the 1990s.. Nonlinear narrative television series.