Buscando a Frida is an American drama television series that aired on Telemundo from 26 January 2021 to 24 May 2021. The series is an adaptation of the Chilean telenovela titled ¿Dónde está Elisa? created by Pablo Illanes, which Telemundo had adapted in 2010 with the same name. It stars Eduardo Santamarina, Ximena Herrera, and Arap Bethke.
Genre | Drama |
Created by | Sandra Velasco |
Written by | Alejandro Vergara, Felipe Silva, Gisela Labrada, Sandra Velasco |
Directed by | Carlos Villegas, Felipe Aguilar, Mauricio Corredor |
Starring | Eduardo Santamarina, Ximena Herrera, Arap Bethke |
Theme music composer | Alain José Gómez Regla, Luis Daniel González Hurtado, Carlos Jorge García Orellana |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | Spanish |
No. of seasons | 1 |
No. of episodes | 84 |
Executive producer(s) | Mónica Francesca Vizzi, Ximena Cantuarias, Karen Barroeta, Marcos Santana |
Production company(s) | Argos Comunicación, Telemundo Global Studios |
Distributor | Telemundo Internacional |
Original network | Telemundo |
Picture format | HDTV 1080i |
Audio format | Stereophonic sound |
關於Buscando a Frida
The Pons family's lives are upended when their daughter Frida mysteriously vanishes during the father's birthday party. Throughout the investigation, the family reveals secrets, lies, and resentment.
Buscando a Frida的成就
The series is an adaptation of the Chilean soap opera Donde esta Elisa.
您不知道JBuscando a Frida的熱門事實
American telenovelas.. Spanish-language American telenovelas.. Telemundo telenovelas.