ComicView is an American stand-up comedy show that aired on BET on Tuesdays and Fridays from September 1992 to December 2008. In May 2014, BET announced the return of ComicView. The show has been the launching pad for such comedians as D.L. Hughley, Cedric the Entertainer, Sommore, and Rodney Perry.
Created by | Curtis Gadson |
Starring | See hosts section below |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
Location(s) | Atlanta, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans |
Running time | Original series: 45–48 minutes, Revived series: 30 minutes |
Original network | BET |
Created by Curtis Gadson, the ComicView was stand-up comedy series that has showcased and further propelled the careers of multiple African American comedians such as Cedric the Entertainer, Kevin Hart, Sommore, DL Hughley, Rickey Smiley, Bruce Bruce, Sheryl Underwood and even comedian Don Curry. The series aired on the Black Entertainment Television channel from September 14, 1992 to December 17, 2008 before being revived for a final season in 2014.
The show was name-dropped in the song "2nd Childhood" by Nas featured in his fifth studio album, Stillmatic. The show was produced in cities such as Atlanta, Los Angeles, Miami and New Orleans.