Degrassi High is a Canadian television series and the third series in the Degrassi franchise, which was created by Linda Schuyler and Kit Hood in 1979. A direct sequel to Degrassi Junior High, it debuted on CBC in Canada on November 6, 1989, and on PBS in the United States on January 13, 1990. The series follows the same Toronto-based ensemble cast from the previous series, now having graduated to high school, as they face most of the same issues as its predecessor, except with the addition of more controversial and extreme issues and challenges, including abortion, cancer, death, suicide, and AIDS. Like the previous series, it was jointly produced by Hood and Schuyler's Playing With Time and Kate Taylor of WGBH-TV Boston, and was produced in association with the United States Corporation for Public Broadcasting with participation of Telefilm Canada.
Genre | Teen drama |
Created by | Linda Schuyler, Kit Hood |
Starring | See cast here |
Country of origin | Canada |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 2 |
No. of episodes | 28 |
Running time | 30 minutes (including commercials) |
Production company(s) | Playing With Time Inc. |
Original network | CBC Television (Canada), PBS (United States) |
Picture format | 4:3 |
First shown in | Canada |
Preceded by | Degrassi Junior High |
Followed by | School's Out |
關於Degrassi High
Teen drama and the 3rd series in the Degrassi franchise which follows the students of the eponymous school. The show dealt with hard hitting issues such as abortion, suicide, eating disorders, drugs and more.
Degrassi High的成就
Within the Degrassi universe, the series was preceded by Degrassi Junior High and followed by a 1992 movie called School's Out.
您不知道JDegrassi High的熱門事實
Degrassi (franchise).. Fictional high schools.. Canadian television soap operas.. Sequel television series.. Television series by DHX Media.. Television series produced in Toronto.