Friday Night Tykes was a reality sports documentary television series on the Esquire Network. It was produced by 441 Productions, Texas Crew Productions and Electro-Fish Films. It premiered on January 14, 2014 and ran for four seasons. The rights were transferred to USA Network after June 2017 upon Esquire Network's discontinuation. The entire series is also licensed to Netflix.
Genre | Reality, Docuseries, Sports |
Narrated by | Morgan Spector (2015-2016) |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 4 |
No. of episodes | 41 |
Executive producer(s) | David Karabinas, Matt Maranz, Jason Sciavicco, Jake Laufer |
Producer(s) | Laura Casey |
Camera setup | Multi-camera |
Running time | 43 minutes (without commercials) |
Production company(s) | 441 Productions, Electro-Fish Films, Texas Crew Productions |
Distributor | NBCUniversal Television Distribution |
Original network | Esquire Network, USA Network |
Picture format | 1080i HD |
關於Friday Night Tykes
Sports docu-series focused on youth football teams of the Texas Youth Football Association. The series was narrated by Morgan Spector in 2015-2016.
Friday Night Tykes的成就
It was unknown if more episodes of the show would be made after Esquire Network was shut down. At the time, the show had run for 4 seasons and 41 episodes.
您不知道JFriday Night Tykes的熱門事實
Television shows set in Texas.. American sports television series.