Glitter Force, known in Japan as Smile PreCure!, is a 2012 Japanese anime television series by Toei Animation and the ninth installment in Izumi Todo's Pretty Cure franchise. The series is written by Shōji Yonemura, who is best known as the head writer of Glass Fleet and Kamen Rider Kabuto. The character designs were done by Toshie Kawamura, who previously worked on the character designs for Yes! PreCure 5. The series aired on All-Nippon News Network's TV Asahi network between February 5, 2012 and January 27, 2013, replacing Suite PreCure♪ in its initial timeslot, and is succeeded by Dokidoki! PreCure. A film was released in Japanese theaters on October 27, 2012. The series' main motif is fairy tales.
關於Glitter Force
Known in Japan as Smile PreCure!, the anime series features a main motif of fairy tales. It is the ninth installment in Izumi Todo's Pretty Cure metaseries.
Glitter Force的成就
The series inspired a manga, a video game and even an anime film called Smile PreCure! The Movie: Big Mismatch in a Picture Book!
您不知道JGlitter Force的熱門事實
Pretty Cure.. Toei Animation films.. Toei Animation television.. TV Asahi shows.