House Husbands is an Australian television comedy drama. The show debuted on the Nine Network on 2 September 2012. Set in Melbourne, House Husbands stars Firass Dirani, Gyton Grantley, Rhys Muldoon and Gary Sweet as four fathers who stay at home to raise their children. The program also focuses on their interconnected families and friends. In 2013, House Husbands won Most Popular Drama Series at the 2013 Logie Awards. In February 2018, Nine confirmed the series would not be returning for a sixth season and was officially cancelled.
Genre | Drama |
Created by | Ellie Beaumont, Drew Proffitt |
Directed by | Geoff Bennett, Shirley Barrett, Catherine Millar, Shawn Seet |
Starring | Firass Dirani, Gyton Grantley, Rhys Muldoon, Gary Sweet, Anna McGahan, Julia Morris, Natalie Saleeba, Tim Campbell, Georgia Flood, Leah de Niese, Lincoln Lewis, Rachel Griffiths, Darren McMullen, Jane Allsop, Justine Clarke, Hugh Sheridan, Delta Goodrem |
Country of origin | Australia |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of series | 5 |
No. of episodes | 58 |
Executive producer(s) | Jo Rooney, Andy Ryan, David Taylor, David Maher |
Producer(s) | Sue Seeary, Drew Proffitt |
Location(s) | Melbourne |
Running time | 60 minutes |
Production company(s) | Playmaker Media |
Original network | Nine Network |
Picture format | 576i (SDTV), 1080i (HDTV) (2017) |
Audio format | Stereo |
關於House Husbands
Four men take care of their children and households while their wives work.
House Husbands的成就
The show won Most Popular Drama Series at the the 2013 Logie Awards. It was nominated for three other Logie Awards that year including Most Popular Actor and Actress.
您不知道JHouse Husbands的熱門事實
Guys with Kids - Guys with Kids is an American sitcom television series that aired on NBC, from September 11, 2012 to February 27, 2013, as part of the 2012–13 television schedule.. Australian comedy-drama television series.. Television shows set in Melbourne.