K.C. Undercover is an American comedy television series created by Corinne Marshall that aired on Disney Channel from January 18, 2015 to February 2, 2018. The series stars Zendaya as a teenager named K.C. who becomes a spy. Starring alongside her are Veronica Dunne, Kamil McFadden, Trinitee Stokes, Tammy Townsend, and Kadeem Hardison.
Genre | Comedy |
Created by | Corinne Marshall |
Starring | Zendaya, Veronica Dunne, Kamil McFadden, Trinitee Stokes, Tammy Townsend, Kadeem Hardison |
Theme music composer | Andrew Love, Joacim Persson, Johan Alkenas |
Composer(s) | Bert Selen |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 3 |
No. of episodes | 75 |
Executive producer(s) | Rob Lotterstein, Jared Hoffman, Eileen Conn, Darin Henry |
Producer(s) | Vic Kaplan, Jenn Lloyd & Kevin Bonani, Kevin O'Donnell, Zendaya |
Cinematography | Joseph W. Calloway, John Simmons |
Camera setup | Multi-camera |
Running time | 21–29 minutes |
Production company(s) | Rob Lotterstein Productions, It's a Laugh Productions |
Original network | Disney Channel |
Picture format | HDTV 720p |
Audio format | 5.1 surround sound |
關於K.C. Undercover
A tech wiz follows in her parents' footsteps and becomes a spy. She works alongside her parents and little brother to defeat the shadowy forces of an organization called the Other Side.
K.C. Undercover的成就
Zendaya won a Kids' Choice Award in both 2016 and 2017 for her role in the show. The show's final episode aired on February 2, 2018.
您不知道JK.C. Undercover的熱門事實
Television series by It's a Laugh Productions.. Fictional American secret agents.. Television shows set in Washington, D.C.