Miami Ink is an American reality show on TLC that follows the events that took place at a tattoo shop in Miami Beach, Florida. The show premiered in July 2005 and finished broadcasting its sixth and final season in 2008. The show led to several spin-offs, including the shows LA Ink, London Ink, NY Ink, and Madrid Ink, most of which were also broadcast on TLC.
Starring | Ami James, Chris Núñez, Chris Garver, Darren Brass, Yoji Harada, Saru Sammyr, Tim Hendricks, Kat Von D (Season 1-4), Eric Kessingland |
Opening theme | "Funky Kingston" by Toots and the Maytals |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 6 |
No. of episodes | 80 |
Executive producer(s) | Charlie Corwin, Clara Markowitz, Jamie Shutz |
Running time | 45–48 minutes |
Original network | TLC |
Picture format | PDTV, 720p, HDTV, 1080i, HDTV |
Related shows | LA Ink, London Ink, NY Ink |
關於Miami Ink
Four tattoo artists at the top of their game teach an apprentice while showing the viewers the in's and out's of their job.
Miami Ink的成就
The spin-off NY Ink started in 2011. Kat Von D left after season four.
您不知道JMiami Ink的熱門事實
David Roma - David Roma is a television producer, filmmaker, musician and activist, born in 1974.. Culture of Miami.. Television series set in tattoo shops.. Television shows set in Miami.. Reality television spin-offs.