Ordinary Lies is a British drama television series that was first broadcast on BBC One on 17 March 2015. The six-part first series, written by Danny Brocklehurst, is set in a car showroom. The second, also in six-parts, is set in the warehouse of a sports goods company based in Wales. The series executive producer is Nicola Shindler. The series was commissioned by Charlotte Moore for the BBC. In Australia, the series premiered on BBC First from 25 July 2015.
Genre | Drama/Action |
Created by | Danny Brocklehurst |
Written by | Danny Brocklehurst |
Directed by | John McKay, Juliet May, Misha Manson-Smith, Jon Wright |
Starring | Jo Joyner, Michelle Keegan, Max Beesley, Jason Manford, Mackenzie Crook, Sally Lindsay, Shazad Latif, Con O'Neill, Angela Griffin, Kimberley Nixon, Joel Fry, Rebekah Staton, Matt Di Angelo, Luke Bailey |
Country of origin | United Kingdom |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of series | 2 |
No. of episodes | 12 |
Executive producer(s) | Nicola Shindler |
Producer(s) | Tom Sherry |
Location(s) | The London Studios Warrington |
Running time | 60 minutes |
Production company(s) | Red Production Company |
Original network | BBC One, BBC One HD |
Picture format | 16:9 1080i |
關於Ordinary Lies
Workplace drama taking place at a car dealership called JS Motors in series 1 and at a Sports Goods Company called Coopers Outdoors in series 2.
Ordinary Lies的成就
The show was created and written by Danny Brocklehurst with Nicola Shindler serving as executive producer.
您不知道JOrdinary Lies的熱門事實
Television shows set in the United Kingdom.. BBC high definition programmes.