Special Agent Oso is an American children's CGI-animated TV series. The series was created by Ford Riley. It premiered on April 4, 2009 with 2 episodes airing that day as part of Disney Channel's Playhouse Disney block, and aired two seasons of 60 episodes through May 17, 2012. After the original broadcast of the series finale on May 17, 2012, reruns continued to air through 2019. The series was made available on Disney+ on May 14, 2021. Disney Junior has confirmed that the series would not have a third season.
Created by | Ford Riley |
Directed by | Jamie Mitchell |
Voices of | Sean Astin, Meghan Strange, Gary Anthony Williams, Phill Lewis, Amber Hood, Cam Clarke, Jess Harnell |
Theme music composer | Ford Riley and Mike Himelstein |
Composer(s) | Mike Himelstein and Michael Turner |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 2 |
No. of episodes | 60 |
Executive producer(s) | Ford Riley, Jamie Mitchell |
Running time | 24 minutes (2 12-minute segments per episode, except for episodes 35, 56, and 60) |
Production company(s) | Disney Television Animation |
Original network | Playhouse Disney (2009–11), Disney Junior (2011–2019), Disney Channel (2009-2017) |
First shown in | United States |
關於Special Agent Oso
A loveable teddybear who is a special agent with the United Network for Investigating Quite Usual Events.
Special Agent Oso的成就
Wilmer Valderrama, Rowan Atkinson, and John C. Reilly have guest voiced on the show. A few characters on the show are used in the short film Special Agent Oso: Three Healthy Steps.
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Appa (character) - Appa is a fictional character on the Nickelodeon animated television series Avatar: The Last Airbender and in the film The Last Airbender.. Television series by Disney Television Animation.. Fictional secret agents and spies.. 2000s American animated television series.. 2010s American animated television series.