The Dumping Ground is a British children's television drama series that focuses on the lives and experiences of young people who live in a care home with their care workers in care, broadcast on CBBC since 4 January 2013. The series is a continuation of Tracy Beaker Returns and the first series, consisting of thirteen, thirty-minute episodes, was commissioned in early 2012. A second series, also with thirteen, thirty-minute episodes, was announced in 2013. The third and fourth series, announced in 2014 and 2015 respectively, both had an increase in episodes: twenty, thirty-minute episodes. In 2016, it was confirmed that two further series, with 24 episodes in each series, would be made. The Dumping Ground broadcast its 100th episode on 16 March 2018, which was the tenth episode of series six. An eighth series aired from January 2020 to February 2021, and a ninth began airing on 11 June 2021.
Genre | Children's drama |
Directed by | Various |
Starring | Current cast |
Theme music composer | Jeremy Holland-Smith |
Composer(s) | Jeremy Holland-Smith (series 1), Simon Rogers (series 2–present) |
Country of origin | United Kingdom |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of series | 9 |
No. of episodes | 163 |
Executive producer(s) | Foz Allan (series 1), Lis Steele (series 2–3), Lucy Martin (series 4), Kim Crowther (series 4), Jonathan Phillips (series 5–9) |
Producer(s) | Louise Sutton (series 1), Simon Nelson (series 2), Philip Leach (series 3–4), Gert Thomas (series 5–7), Emma Bodger (series 8–9) |
Camera setup | Multi-camera |
Running time | 28 minutes (regular episodes) |
Production company(s) | BBC |
Distributor | BBC Studios |
Original network | CBBC (2013–present), CBBC HD (2013–present), RTÉ 2 (2021-present) |
Picture format | HDTV 1080i |
Preceded by | Tracy Beaker Returns |
Related shows | The Story Of Tracy Beaker, Liam's Story, The Dumping Ground Dish Up, The Dumping Ground Survival Files, The Dumping Ground: I'm..., My Mum Tracy Beaker |
關於The Dumping Ground
This series follows a group of children who are placed in foster care. The show is a spin-off of The Story of Tracy Beaker. It is based on the best-selling novel by Jaqueline Wilson.
The Dumping Ground的成就
The series won a BAFTA in 2013 for Best Drama. It also received an award for Best Children's Television Script for the episode "What Would Gus Want?" at the 2013 Writers' Guild of Great Britain Awards.
您不知道JThe Dumping Ground的熱門事實
The Dumping Ground Category.. Tracy Beaker series.. Television shows set in Newcastle upon Tyne.. Television series about orphans.