The Secret Circle is a supernatural, young-adult series of books created by L. J. Smith. The narrative follows the character of Cassie Blake as she is initiated into a "Circle" of eleven other teenage witches and the danger that ensues when they accidentally unleash a dark force upon their town. Matters are further complicated when Cassie finds herself in a love triangle that threatens to tear the Circle apart.
Author | L. J. Smith (books 1–6), Aubrey Clark (books 4–6) |
Country | United States/Canada |
Language | English |
Genre | Fantasy, romance, young adult fiction |
Publisher | Harper Paperbacks |
Published | 1992 (books 1–3), 2012–2013 (books 4–6) |
Media type | Print (hardcover and paperback) |
關於The Secret Circle
A teenage girl comes to live with her grandmother and discovers that she's a witch. The show ran for only one season and aired a total of 22 episodes.
The Secret Circle的成就
The show is based on the book series of the same name written by L. J. Smith. Joe Lando and Michael Graziadei have both guest starred on the show.
您不知道JThe Secret Circle的熱門事實
Works by L. J. Smith.. Witchcraft in written fiction.. Novel series.