The Sleepover Club is a series of children's books by authors Rose Impey, Narinder Dhami, Lorna Read, Fiona Cummings, Louis Catt, Sue Mongredien, Angie Bates, Ginny Deals, Harriet Castor and Jana Novotny Hunter. It has also been adapted into a children's television programme. While the books were set in Cuddington, Leicester, England, the television show was set in the fictional Australian beachside suburb of Crescent Bay. The books revolve around five young girls who are part of a club in which they sleepover at each other's houses at least once a week. The television series do not portray the same stories as the books with the possible exception of the first episode which loosely resembled the story where the girls try and set up their 'Brown Owl' with their school care-taker. The girls' names are Francesca "Frankie" Thomas, Rosie Cartwright, Felicity "Fliss" Sidebotham, Lyndsey "Lyndz" Collins and Laura "Kenny" McKenzie.
Country | England |
Genre | Family/Children's fiction |
No. of books | 54 |
關於The Sleepover Club
Based on the best seller about five teenage girl friends who form a club without guys or parents invited. The show ran for two seasons and aired a total of 52 episodes.
The Sleepover Club的成就
Craig Marriott and Vince D'Amico both guest starred on the show.
您不知道JThe Sleepover Club的熱門事實
Novels set in Leicestershire.. Series of children's books.. British children's novels.